Volunteer Events & Opportunities
Whether you're looking to meet like-minded people or gain work experience in the non-profit sector, we can find the right opportunity for you at Montana State University Billings. Check out our active volunteer programs and services.
CFE Hosted Volunteer Events & Opportunities
Food Security
Yellowjacket Emergency Pantry (YEP)

Student-focused food insecurity service offering non-perishables, hygiene and school supplies. Locations at University Campus and City College.
Address food insecurity in Billings and at MSU Billings with the Yellowjacket Emergency Pantry. Advocate for food security initives and help us reach the food insecure in our community. Reach out to Parker Scott in the Center for Engagement to learn more at: parker.scott2@msubillings.edu
Individual Opportunities & Events
Yellowjackets Serve

Drives & Events
Looking to support your community but don't know where to start? Get involved with one of our campus drives! Donate, promote or help run one of our seasonal opportunities.
Operation School Suppply

Help stock local schools with supplies for students in need!
Donations can be dropped off at SUB 219 or in the YEP collection bins.
Donate between August 1st & August 31st.
collected items are split between UWYC and the YEP.
Click on the image above for the list of requested items.
Jackets From Jackets

Donate new or lightly used winter wear during the month of September!
Donations will support the Salvation Army and the populations they serve.
September 1st & September 30th.
Jackets, Coats, gloves, scarfs all accepted!
Drop donations off at SUB 219 or in YEP Collection bins.
Previous Events
Volunteer Recognition Event

You are elgible to attend if you volunteered for Service Saturday, Night on the Van, Halloween for Hunger, Refresh the Rims or any other campus service event. You are also elgible if you logged your personal hours in Service Sting.
We request that you RSVP for this event at the link below or by clicking the image!
Contact Parker Scott for more information: parker.scott2@msubillings.edu
Run Turkey Run November 24th

Join the Yellowstone Rim Runners and volunteer for their annual street mile & 5K!
Run Turkey Run supports local food security initives including the Yellowjacket Emergency Pantry! Sign up is easy just click the image and get ready to Gobble Gobble Give back!
All shifts between 2 and 3 hours. Please contact Parker Scott in the Center for Engagement at parker.scott2@msubillings.edu with any questions!