Sing Weaving
Artist Information
About the Artist: Elizabeth Steiner
Book Information
Type of Book: Sing Weaving: Star book
Elements: Codex with three-hole signature
Book Size
Sing Weaving: Width: 4"; Height: 5 1/4"; Depth: 5/8"
Elements: Width: 4"; Height: 5 1/2"; Depth: 1/4"
Sing Weaving has eight flax pages and two paper covers held together with interwoven "V" shaped accordion paper of three colors (orange, brown and patterned black, gray and white). Poem by Judy Haswell in letterpress. Elements is a codex with four pages in the signature. Its flax and ginger paper was made by the artist. This is #17 of an edition of 25.
Sing Weaving
(click on image to view as slideshow)