Dr. Stefani Hicswa, Chancellor 

Dr. Richard Beer, Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Dr. Kim Hayworth, Vice Chancellor for Student Access and Success

Leslie Weldon, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

College Deans

College of Health Professions and Science
Dr. Kurt Toenjes, Dean
Dr. James Barron, Interim Associate Dean

College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Tami Haaland, Dean

College of Business
Dr. Susan Gilbertz, Dean

College of Education
Dr. Melanie Reaves, Interim Dean

City College
Vern Gagnon M.Ed., Dean


Office of Graduate Studies
Dr. Jana Marcette, Director

Eileen Wright, Director

Grants & Sponsored Programs
Cindy Bell, Director

University Communications & Marketing
Shiloh Skillen-Robison, Interim Director

Michael Bazemore, Director