ASMSUB Undergraduate/Graduate Student Research
The purpose of the Undergraduate/Graduate Student Research Fund is to promote and encourage significant research by Undergraduate/Graduate members of the ASMSU-Billings, thereby furthering and enhancing the academic endeavors of the student(s), as well as demonstrating the commitment of the ASMSU-Billings to a quality educational experience.
Sec. 1 - The Undergraduate/Graduate Student Research Committee(U/GSRC) shall be composed of the following members:
- Two Student Senators selected by the ASMSU-Billings Senate by a majority vote.
- One faculty or administrative member of the campus selected by the Undergraduate/Graduate Student Research Committee. It is recommended that this individual be from the Biology/Sciences area due to the number of requests received from this area.
Sec. 2 - The U/GSRC will meet upon receiving requests for funds. When the committee meets for the first time, one of the Student Senators shall be determined to be the Chairperson by consensus of the committee.
Sec. 3 - The committee will determine the procedure of conducting the meetings with leadership by the Chairperson. All meetings will be open to the public without exception.
Sec. 4 - All financial disbursements from the Undergraduate/Graduate Student Research Fund will be determined by a majority vote of the U/GSRC. Each member of the Committee shall be allowed one (1) vote, including the Chairperson. In the case of a tie vote, the Chairperson will carry the responsibility of providing a decision.
Sec. 5 - The decision of the Undergraduate/Graduate Student Research Committee will be forwarded to the ASMSU-Billings President for his/her final approval.
Fund Application
The purpose of the Undergraduate/Graduate Student Research Fund is to promote and encourage significant research by Undergraduate/Graduate members of the ASMSU-Billings, thereby furthering and enhancing the academic endeavors of the student(s), as well as demonstrating the commitment of the ASMSU-Billings to a quality educational experience.
- Funds will be allocated to students for the following purposes:
- Direct Research – pure and applied on an individual basis
- Dissemination as follows:
- Travel – for student presentation of a completed research paper at a sectional, state, regional or national professional meeting.
- Publication for journal, reports, page fees, etc., which ARE NOT to exceed the student’s share (as author) of costs, i.e. if student is co- author, only one-half of page costs will be funded by the U/GSRF.
- Eligibility requirements for receiving funding:
- Student must not be on academic or disciplinary probation during the semester the work/paper is to be presented.
- Student must carry at least six (6) credits during the semester the work/paper is to be presented.
- Under ordinary circumstances, a student may request funding from the U/GSRF only once each academic year. If a subsequent request is made, it will not be considered until the end of the academic year. Retroactive funding of requests will be permitted only in the case of a second request within one academic year.
- Application, review and approval process
- Student applying for funds will use the attached application for funding form.
- All financial disbursements from the U/GSRF will be determined by a majority vote of the U/GSRC. Each member of the committee shall be allowed one (1) vote, including the Chairperson. In the case of a tie vote, the Chairperson will carry the responsibility of providing a decision.
- Special Considerations
- Where human or animal subjects are involved in the study, the student must attain approval of the appropriate campus Research & Creative Endeavors Committee, (Human Subjects Research or Animal Care Committee). Details of policy and protocol forms may be obtained from the Office of Graduate Studies and Research.
- The student(s) applying for funding will be notified in writing of the committee’s final decision.
- Report
- When completed, a copy of the project report, in its final form, must be given to the U/GSRC. (i.e. paper, copy of program, picture of exhibit, etc.)
- When completed, a statement of final disposition of all funds must be given to the U/GSRC.
- When completed, if a copy of the project in its final form and a statement of final disposition of all funds are not given to the U/GSRC, the student(s) may be held responsible for the total amount requested.