All NEW, TRANSFER, and RETURNING students will visit the Advising Center to begin their college experience. Our advisors help students with understanding their degree program, taking advantage of campus resources, and meeting educational goals. The Advising Center's goal is to assist you in designing an academic plan which enables you to complete your program requirements as efficiently as possible. 

Panorama of MSUB

Advising Syllabus

Advising Center Location and Hours

McMullen, 1st Floor

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mon - Fri
PH:   406.657.2240
FAX  406.657.2302  

Our office offers advising appointments in-person, by phone call, and by WebEx video call.


Driving Directions 

City College at MSU Billings Students 

City College at MSU Billings Advising
Current City College at MSU Billings Advising Worksheets

Advising Worksheets


Other Advising Center Resources

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