University Communications and Marketing
February 28, 2019

Registered Nursing Degree at City College granted national accreditation
Accreditation effective for six years
University Communications and Marketing, 657-2266
MSU BILLINGS NEWS—City College at MSU Billings has announced its Associate of Science degree in Registered Nursing is now accredited by the National League for Nursing’s Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA). Accreditation became effective Feb. 22.
City College at MSU Billings is the first college in Montana granted accreditation by NLN CNEA. Members of the nursing program worked diligently to compile a self-study and complete the NLN CNEA requirements. This is a great honor for City College, as receiving accreditation demonstrates commitment to providing exceptional education through its program.
“Faculty, staff, and students have worked hard to achieve this accreditation,” shares Susan Floyd, director of nursing. “The NCLEX RN pass rates have increased with the spring of 2018 graduates having a 100 percent pass rate and 100 percent employment rate.”
NLN CNEA’s Board of Commissioners granted accreditation of the associate’s RN degree based on several evaluations, including the program’s self-study report, on-site program team report, and NLN CNEA Review Committee report.
This is the initial accreditation for the associate nursing degree program from the NLN CNEA and is effective for a maximum term of six years, extending to February 28, 2025. The next on-site evaluation review for continuing accreditation is scheduled for fall 2024.
“The Registered Nursing program should be commended for reaching this milestone in their program as they continue to produce well educated nursing professionals,” states Chancellor Dan Edelman. “As the demand for quality nurses rises, MSUB continues to serve as a major workforce educator and contributor in Yellowstone County and beyond.”
The City College at Montana State University Billings associate degree in Registered Nursing program is accredited by the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA) located at 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20037.
For more information, contact Nursing Program Director Susan Floyd at or (406) 247-3073.