University Communications and Marketing
June 22, 2017
Dr. Diane Duin
MSU Billings announces Interim Dean of the College of Business
Provost Bob Hoar, 657-2367
University Relations, 657-2266
MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — Dr. Diane Duin, Dean of the College of Allied Health Professions, has been named Interim Dean of the College of Business upon the departure of Dr. Barbara Wheeling. Dean Duin has over 11 years of experience on the MSU Billings campus and has been involved in numerous accreditation initiatives. Having served as the dean of the College of Allied Health Professions for the past 7 years Dean Duin has established many relationships on campus and in the Billings community that will serve the College of Business well. “The College of Business is full of talented faculty, staff and students and I am excited to have the opportunity to engage with them in this capacity,” Duin says. Dr. Duin will remain as the dean of the College of Allied Health Professions. “There are many synergies between business and allied health. I looked forward to working with both in this role.”
Provost Hoar states “the Chancellor and I are committed to ensuring both colleges remain strong during this period”.
Dr. Duin will serve in the Interim capacity until a permanent College of Business Dean is hired.