January 6, 2015 


Aaron Clingingsmith, University Relations & Communications, (406) 657-2243 or aaron.clingingsmith@msubillings.edu


Dr. Mark Pagano has been MSU Billings’ Provost since September 2011.


Dr. Mark Pagano


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — MSU Billings provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs, Dr. Mark Pagano, has been introduced as the University of Washington Tacoma’s next Chancellor. University of Washington President Michael K. Young and Provost Ana Mari Cauce made the announcement in a media release earlier today.


Since September 2011 Pagano has served as the chief academic officer at MSU Billings, overseeing five colleges: the College of Allied Health Professions; the College of Arts & Sciences; the College of Business; the College of Education; and City College.  Pagano has been instrumental in the maturation of many academic units including, MSUB Extended Campus, pre-professional programs, dual enrollment, online education and e-learning.


“Mark has done a magnificent job transforming the relationship between faculty and administration during his tenure at MSUB,” remarked Chancellor Mark Nook.  “He has been able to foster a strong culture of shared governance and an openness that most institutions would envy.  UW Tacoma is fortunate to gain a seasoned leader, Mark will certainly be missed at MSUB.”


Pagano will assume the helm at UW Tacoma on March 16. MSUB will commence a national search for his replacement immediately.