February 27, 2012



Dr. Tasneem Khaleel, Dean of Arts and Sciences, 657-2177
Dan Carter, University Relations, 657-2269


RSVPs urged by March 5 for the March 7 event


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES — What does the future hold for Montana State University Billings and MSU in Bozeman? How does the Billings campus fit into the “One University” concept of MSU President Dr. Waded Cruzado?  Amid all the talk about the importance of two year programs, how might the programs at MSUB’s College of Technology evolve? What are the special opportunities and challenges facing the four campuses of Montana State University?


Waded Cruzado and Rolf Groseth

Those issues and others will be the focus of the next  Billings Town and Gown event and will feature President Cruzado as the featured speaker to talk on “One University, Several Missions.”


The Town and Gown event will be held Wednesday, March 7 at Rocky Mountain College’s Prescott Hall. The social and reception will begin at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:45 p.m. and the program at 7:45 p.m. The cost is $20 per person and the event is open to anyone.


Dr. Cruzado is the first woman and first minority to serve as a university president in the state of Montana. She was born and raised in the university town of Mayaquez, Puerto Rico, which — like Bozeman — is the home of a land grant university.  While none of the adults in her family had attended college, they knew the value of education. 


Driven by their support and expectation, Dr. Cruzado earned a degree in comparative literature magna cum laude from the University of Puerto Rico in 1982.  Her master’s degree in Spanish and doctorate in humanities were granted by the University of Texas at Arlington.  By the time she was 47, she was executive vice president and provost of New Mexico State University, and then interim president there before coming to Bozeman.


Dr. Cruzado will talk about MSU having four campuses, seven agricultural centers, a world-class museum, and extension offices across the state and highlight the comprehensive educational mission of the MSU family of campuses and programs.


For more information and to RSVP, contact Connie at Thompson Law Firm by noon on Monday, March 5, at 294-4230 or send an email to connie@thompsonlawfirm-mt.com.


PHOTO ABOVE: MSU President Dr. Waded Cruzado, right, talks about the university system at a meeting last week with community and university constituents. At left is Dr. Rolf Groseth, chancellor of MSU Billings.