Information for Faculty
MSU Billings Faculty Web - Grading Instructions
Web options are available 24 hours except Thursday mornings between 5:00 and 7:00 AM and the 3rd Saturday of the month for preventative maintenance.
If you have questions about grading please contact the Registrar’s Office at (406) 657-2158.
1) Log in to MyInfo
- Go to and follow the instructions for login.
2) Grade Your Courses
- Go to the Faculty Services tab
- Select the Faculty Grade Entry (new version) link
- In the My Courses section, select the course for grading. Use the pagination controls in the lower right to navigate through all course assignments.
- In the Enter Grades section, select the appropriate grade for each student.
- “Not Gradable” will display if the student has withdrawn from the class.
- F grades require entry of Last Attend Date. (See additional information)
- After selecting an “I” grade, an Incomplete Grades subset roster will display for your review. The default Final Grade and Extension Date will display. Click “Roster” to go back to the roster and continue grading.
- Click Save often to save your work – grades may be changed until they are rolled by the Registrar’s Office. Click Reset to clear any unsaved grades and start over.
- Students are grouped by 25 per page. Use the pagination controls in the lower right of the Enter Grades section to advance through all pages and confirm all students are graded. You may also change the per page display number.
- Continue grading until all courses display as “Completed” in the My Courses section, Grading Status column. See page two for additional information.
- If “In-Progress” displays in the Grading Status column, there are still students who have not been assigned a grade – go back through all pages and confirm all students have been graded.
- When “Completed” displays in the Grading Status column of each course all courses and all students have been graded!
- When “Completed” displays in both the Grading Status and Rolled columns, grading is complete and final grades have been rolled by the Registrar’s Office. Note: The Registrar’s Office usually rolls grades at both the beginning of the business day and the end.
3. Print Grade Sheet(s) - If you want them for your records, or your department needs them.
NOTE: Beginning Spring 2020, it is no longer necessary to submit signed grade sheets to the Registrar's Office
- Click "Summary Class" List at the bottom of the screen.
- Print using your browser's print option ( usually File>Print).
- Sign your grade sheet(s).
- To advance to the next CRN for grading, click on "CRN Selection" located at the bottom of the page and repeat above Grade Course steps.
- Click EXIT in the upper right corner to securely close your session.
Please Note:
- Pass/No Pass courses and registrations will convert letter grades to appropriate Pass/No Pass grade. Select the appropriate letter grade.
- When assigning F grades, please enter the Date Last Attended. See Last Attend Date instructions for more info.
- If you have assigned Incomplete (I) grades, you will receive an additional confirmation message displaying the extension date. Students have one year to complete an incomplete. Click Submit to finalize grades. See Incomplete Grade Instructions for more info.
- Please make sure all students are graded. We will not have back-up paper grade sheets to re-enter missing information if all students have not been graded and submitted.
Questions? Send e-mail to: Registrar