Officers of the Administration


Dr. Stefani Hicswa - 657-2300

Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Interim)

Dr. Richard Beer - 657-2367

Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs

Ms. Leslie Weldon - 657-2155

Vice Chancellor for Student Access & Success

Dr. Kimberly Hayworth - 657-2307

Dean of Student Engagement

Ms. Kathy Kotecki - 657-1660

Dean, College of Health Professions and Science

Dr. Kurt Toenjes - 896-5831

Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Ms. Tami Haaland - 657-1690

Dean, College of Business

Dr. Susan Gilbertz - 657-2213

Administrator in Charge, College of Education

Dr. Melanie Reaves - 657-2355

Dean, City College

Mr. Vern Gagnon - 247-3009

Director-Workforce Training/Development


Director-International Studies & Outreach

Dr. Paul Foster - 657-1705

Director-Library Services

Ms. Eileen Wright - 657-

Director-Honors Program

Dr. Jana Marcette - 657-2908

Director-Center for Teaching and Learning

Dr. Andrea Aebersold - 247-5724

Chief Information Officer

Mr. Brett Weisz - 657-5750

Colleges & Departments

College of Health Professions and Science

Dr. Kurt Toenjes, Dean  - 896-5841

Department of Biological & Physical Sciences

Dr. Carl Castles - 657-2014

Department of Health Care Services

Dr. Suzette Nynas - 657-2351

Department of Health & Human Performance

Dr. Suzette Nynas - 657-2351

Dr. Lacy Bangert - 896-5836

Department of Rehabilitation & Human Services

Dr. Paula McMahon - 896-5834

College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Ms. Tami Haaland, Dean - 657-1690

Department of Art

Ms. Jodi Lightner - 657-2986

Department of Communication

Dr. Sam Boerboom - 657-2962

Department of English, Philosophy & Modern Languages

Dr. Ana Diaz - 657-2954

Department of History

Dr. Emily Arendt - 657-2895

Department of Mathematics

Dr. Mark Jacobson - 657-2203

Department of Music

Mr. John Roberts - 657-2049

Department of Psychology   

Dr. Matthew McMullen - 657-2248

College of Education

Dr. Melanie Reaves, Administrator in Charge - 657-2355

Department of Educational Theory & Practice 

Dr. Melanie Reaves - 657-2355

College of Business

Dr. Susan Gilbertz, Dean - 657-2213

Department of Business Administration

Dr. Don Larsen - 657-2907

City College

Mr. Vern Gagnon, Dean - 247-3009

Department of Nursing, Health, and Public Safety

Mr. Chad Landon - 247-3043

Department of Computer Systems Technology

Mr. Craig McKenzie - 247-3080

Department of General Education

Mr. Chairsty Stewart - 657-2010


Ms. Susan Floyd - 247-3037

Department of Transportation, Welding & Technology

Ms. Kat Pfau - 247-3044

Special Areas

Director of Academic Support Center

Dr. Amber West-Martin - 657-1714

Director of Advising & Career Services

Dr. Becky Lyons - 896-5829

Director of Business Services

Ms. Barb Shafer - 657-1710

Director of the Center for Engagement

Mr. Dillon Deffinbaugh - 896-5998

Director of Native American Achievement Center

Ms. Sunny Day Real Birl - 657-2144

Associate Director of Veterans Upward Bound

Michael Wolff, Associate Director - 272-5218

Interim Director of Disability Support Services

Mr. Greg Gerard- 657-2283

Director of Center for Teaching and Learning

Dr. Andrea Aersold -  247-5724

Director of Facilities Services

Mr. Justin Rife - 657-1749

Director of Financial Aid & Scholarships 

Mr. Justin Beach - 657-1793

Director of Graduate Studies

Dr. Jana Marcette 657-2053

Director of Grants & Sponsored Programs

Ms. Cindy Bell - 657-2364

Director of Housing & Residence Life


Human Resources Director

Ms. Paula Highlander -  657-2117

Information Technology

Mr. Brett Weisz 247-5701

MSU Billings ID Cards



Ms. Margaret Bauers - 657-1777

Director of Petro Hall

Ms. Calli Bagnell -  657-2588

Student Health Services Director

Mr. Jerry Girard 657-2153

Student Support Services Director/TRiO

Ms. Laura Gittings-Carlson - 657-1668

University Police

Mr. Brandon Gatlin - 657-2901

University Communications & Marketing & Communications

Mr. Dan Carter - 657-2243

International Studies Director

Dr. Paul Foster 247-5785

Additional Information

Montana State University Billings, like most colleges and universities, is organized to provide efficient and effective leadership of the academic programs.  As a member of the part-time faculty, you will work with the following:

A Mentor:  A faculty member from the College and your academic department will be identified as a “mentor” to assist in acclimating you to accepted faculty procedures and processes at Montana State University Billings.  Mentors will share with you agendas and minutes from the College and your academic department.  This mentor might be your department chair or another experienced instructor from your department.

Department Chair: The Chair of the academic department is responsible for the overall quality of the educational program, and is the immediate supervisor.  The Chair is responsible for creating an academic climate in which the part-time faculty member is able to teach and perform well.  (S)He will work closely on all aspects of teaching and will help with administrative functions, payroll, supplies and materials. The Department Chair often reviews faculty syllabi, coordinates workshop/training sessions, and is the “go-to” person for instructors.

Dean:  The Dean is the chief academic officer of the College.  Typically the Dean works directly with the Department Chairs; however, because this is a relatively small University community, the Dean is easily accessible throughout the semester.

Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs:  The Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer for the University.  The Provost is responsible for all aspects of the academic programs and is concerned with the quality of teaching on campus.