Artist Information

About the Artist: Helen Widenhofer

Book Information

Type of Book: Loose quarter-fold in clam style box

Book Size

Books: Width: 5 3/4"; Height: 8 1/2"; Depth:

Box: Width: 6 1/4"; Height: 9"; Depth: 2"


Three separate hard-cover books with loose quarter-folded pages.  Each of the three books was printed on a different type of paper, but the series of images are the same in each book. The set was created at the Offset Collaborative Workshop taught by Dr. Elsi Vassdal Ellis at Western Washington University in July 1999. The books and clam style box are covered in red and black woven silk, and each has a yellow square with the title in scripted font in the lower right-hand corner. The interior of the box is lined with green paper embossed with red and gold flowers, and the box top is fastened with two Asian bone clasps on right side. This is #93 of an edition of 130.

Better Late Than Never

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