Artist Information

About the Artist: Jill Timm

Book Information

Type of Book: Hybrid accordion in clam style box

Book Size

With rod in place: Width: 2 3/4"; Height: 2 1/2"; Depth: 1 1/8"

Accordion open: Width: 11"; Height: 2 1/2"; Depth: 1/4"


Winter White captures the beauty of snow, ice, frost, and more snow with white puffs, flakes and sparkles. Winter White has ice-like covers of frosted Plexiglas, a sparkling case with a pewter snow flake imbedded on the front. The book is bound with a two-tone accordion folded center to which 4 signatures of photos are sewn. Winter White is held together with piano hinges and an ice-like Plexiglas® rod, which pulls out to reveal sparkling snowflakes and snow cutouts. 

Winter White

(click on image to view as slideshow)

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