Artist Information

About the Artists: Peter & Donna Thomas

Book Information

Type of Book: Scroll in box

Book Size

Box w/ scroll inside - Width: 1 7/8"; Height: 3 1/4"; Depth: 7/8"

Scroll - Width: 22"; Height: 2 1/4"; Depth: 1/2" (wound)


In this innovative scrolling book, four different views (three literary and one pictorial) illustrate the spot where Cook and his crew first discovered the charms of Hawaii. The twenty-inch scrolling page is printed on Peter's handmade paper in five colors. Donna cut the illustration into linoleum while visiting Kealakekua and it is printed in a blue to yellow rainbow of colors. The scroll is on a dowel through blocks of Koa wood, a tree native to that part of Hawaii. The binding is handmade paper decorated with an ancient Hawaiian tapa design with a tapa cloth design formed in the pulp. A small linoleum cut of a palm tree is on the front cover. The four views are from: James Cook, Johnny Noble,

Four Views of Kealakekua Bay

(click on image to view as slideshow)

Click on an image to view as a slideshow.