Homage to Teihard de Chardin
Artist Information
About the Artist: Jean Formo
Book Information
Type of Book: Mixed media folded form book
Book Size: Width: 5 9/16"; Height: 8"; Depth: 1/2"
Cover has red, gold and aqua lettering on many angles with a poem on the front of the book. The poem is by Kathleen Raine and is hand-lettered in black ink in capital letters. The book is bound with techniques the artist learned from Daniel Kelm and the colorful papers came from a collaborative design session involving Formo and three additional calligraphers. They took turns painting upon several pieces of paper and then cut the papers in half and each made some kind of artist book. The painted papers are mounted on larger black sheets of paper.
Teleology: Homage to Teihard de Chardin
(click on image to view as slideshow)