Student Achievement
MSUB is dedicated to fostering a supportive educational environment where every student can reach their full potential. Our Student Achievement Page is designed to provide transparent and comprehensive insights into student performance through the use of disaggregated data. To monitor our progress and ensure we are on track, we benchmark our data against our peer and aspirant institutions. This comparative analysis helps highlight areas where we can improve our support for students.
We invite you to explore the data we have gathered and join us in our commitment to fostering a supportive learning community at MSUB.
The Student Achievement Measure (SAM) is a transparency initiative where higher education institutions track students across
institutions to create a more complete picture of undergraduate student progress and
completion within the higher education system.
The IPEDS Data Feedback Report (DFR) is an annual report that graphically summarizes
data collected through the annual IPEDS data collection cycle and compares MSUB to
our selected comparison institutions.
2024 Peer Institution Data Feedback Report
The College Scorecard is an online tool, created by the United States government, for consumers to compare the cost and value of higher education institutions in the United States. The College Scorecard presents the following metrics for US institutions of higher education:
- Graduation Rate: The graduation rate is the share of students who graduated within 8 years of entering this school for the first time.
- Average Annual Cost: The average annual net price that a student who receives federal financial aid pays to cover expenses (e.g., tuition, living expenses) to attend a school. Net price is the school's cost of attendance minus any grants and scholarships received. For public schools, this is only the average cost for in-state students.
- Median Earnings: The median annual earnings of individuals that received federal student aid and began college at this institution 10 years ago, regardless of their completion status.
MSUB has identified both peer and aspirant institutions. Peers are institutions most like MSUB, and Aspirants are institutions MSUB strives to be more like in some key respect. MSUB Institutional Research updates trend reports annually using data extracted from the publicly available IPEDS Data Center; monitoring MSUB metrics against our peers and aspirants.
Completions Dashboard Coming Soon
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