Video Interview Strategies
Imagine interviewing for your next job in the comfort of your own home. It's definitely possible, as many companies nationwide are using video-chat software such as Skype to vet promising job candidates.
Many job seekers are able to cost-effectively vie for employment opportunities outside of their geographic area. Companies save the expense of flying in and housing numerous candidates; they also save time spent entertaining less-than-desirable candidates!
Participating in a video interview does present some challenges. Transmissions can be fuzzy, and there's always the chance of a dropped call. Here's how to prepare:
- Present Yourself Professionally. Even if you're at home, take time to dress up for the interview. Stay away from loud patterns; dark neutral colors are the best option. Avoid white clothing, and unbutton the top 2-3 buttons of your shirt to avoid "floating head" syndrome.
Stage Your Interview Area. Avoid bright lights, especially from behind, which make your face appear darker. Remember to clean and de-clutter your interview area.
Maintain Eye Contact. When the interviewer is talking, look at his/her image on the screen. When you're talking, be sure to look at the video camera.
Be Prepared. Send your résumé to the interviewer before the interview, best done as an email attachment. Conduct thorough research on the company and its industry. Consider rehearsing your interview skills with Advising & Career Services professionals or with a trusted friend who can recommend changes in outfit color, sound quality, or posture/expressions.
Remove Distractions. Make sure your children are occupied, phones are silenced, and pets are outside!
From Time, November 9, 2009.
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