employer partnership

Employer Partners have contributed to Career & Employment Services annually, building stronger relationships, increasing campus visibility, and marketing their organizations online and on campus.

2024-2025 Employer Partnership Program Levels and Benefits
Free services provided to all employers by Career & Employment Services
Job posting on CareerLink
Recruitment of interns
Opportunity to participate in one Employer on Campus Tabling Event OR one Jobs & Java event during the Academic Year (spots limited)


Employer Partnership Program Additional Benefits 

Silver* Gold** Platinum**


$2,500 $5,000
Automatic member of the Career & Employment Services Advisory Board with other faculty, staff, students, and community members Yes Yes Yes
Premier registration at Virtual Internship & Job Fair Yes  Yes Yes
Recognition at Job Fair in event promotion Yes Yes Yes
Recognition on Employer Parternship Banner Yes Yes Yes
Recognition as sponsor of the Student Employee BEE Award Yes Yes Yes
Guarenteed spot with Employers on Campus during the Academic Year Yes Yes Yes
Corporate logo posted on Career & Employment Services website Yes Yes Yes
Recognition as sponsor of Career & Employment Services Intern   Yes Yes
Recognition as Intern Advocate Scholarship donor   Yes Yes
Guarenteed spot at a Jobs & Java event during the academic year   Yes Yes
Additional Employers on Campus tabling during academic year     Yes
Corporate logo displayed in Career & Employment Services     Yes
MSUB Parking Permit     Yes

* To receive full partnership benefits at the Silver Level, deadline to sign up is December 15th

** Gold and Platinum Level Benefits are aligned with the academic calendar: 1st day of Fall Semester through last day of the Spring Semester. To receive full partnership benefits at these levels, deadline to sign up is August 15th


You can also access a printable overview of the program here: MSUB Employer Partnership Program

Learn how your organization can become a Partner.


Thank you to our 2023-2024 Employer Partner!

Employer Partnership Banner