Out to Work silver medal

Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender students who are preparing to enter the workforce may find job search challenges related to sexual orientation and gender identity.  Career Services & Diversity Center professionals are prepared to help you!

Some of your questions regarding employment and the interview process may be answered in the "Career Planning & Job Search Guide."  This excellent resource is used with permission from Career Services at the University of Pennsylvania.

Diversity Center

Dedicated to fostering a campus climate that welcomes diversity through educational, cultural & social programming activities to assist in the recruitment, transition, retention, and engagement of minority students.

Visit the SUB 223 office today to learn about the Montana Two Spirit Society & more!

Links to sources of information outside MSU Billings are provided as a service.  The University assumes no responsibility or liability for these external sites.

Advocacy Resources

Job & Workplace Resources


Individuals with disabilities who require accommodations may review Policies & Procedures.