TRIO Upward Bound serves 75 students from five area high schools:

Senior HS  |  Skyview HS  |  West HS  |  Hardin HS  Lockwood HS 

If you do not attend one of these schools, visit the Montana Upward Bound programs page to see if there is an Upward Bound program in your area!

Since this is a federally funded program, students may be selected based on the following criteria:

  1. Completion of the eighth grade.
  2. Must be a U.S. Citizen or a permanent resident of the U.S.
  3. Interest in attending college after high school.
  4. Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) has not graduated from a four-year college/university.
  5. The participant meets certain income eligibility requirements.
  6. Submit a paper application.

TRIO Upward Bound is a college preparation program. Students are encouraged to maintain at least a ‘C’ average in high school, attend TRIO Upward Bound meetings and actively participate in the program.

Candidates must complete an application. Applications can be downlaoded using the link above or obtained through your school counselor. Completed applications can be returned to your counselor or mailed to the TRIO Upward Bound office.

After applications have been reviewed, eligible candidates will be scheduled for a personal interview. After careful consideration of grades, teacher & counselor recommendations, and the personal interview, students will be selected. Those not selected will be placed on a waiting list.


All of the services and activities provided by TRIO Upward Bound are at no cost to participants or their families. The resources used are viewed as an investment in each student's future. Our goal is to give every TRIO Upward Bound participant an opportunity to start and complete a college education.