All services are completely free if you qualify for our program.

Career Guidance

  • Help matching your interests to career paths
  • Discover opportunities
    • Internships
    • Education
    • Training Programs
  • Resume building and CV writing

      And more based on your needs!

Financial Coaching

  • Budgeting
  • Debt Management
  • Improving your Credit Score
  • Paying for college/trade school counseling
    • Help completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

    • Help applying to scholarships

      And much more!

Personal + Academic Assistance

  • Referrals to local resources
  • Assistance applying to colleges and trade schools

  • Assistance applying to jobs
  • Academic skill-building 
  • Preparations for college entrance exams
  • Guidance on obtaining a HiSet or GED
  • Time management, study skills, etc...

      And so much more!


Not sure if we offer what you are looking for? Just ask! Contact us via call (406-657-2162), text (406-505-7210), or email (