Welcome to the Student Consultation Team website. The Office of the Dean of Students is happy to assist you in addressing your safety and welfare concerns.

If there is immediate risk to life or property, call 911 or University Police at 406-657-2222.

About the Student Consultation Team (SCT)


Kathy Kotecki, Dean of Student Engagement
(406) 406-657-1619


As a result of growing national trends on college campuses of mental health issues and the increase in unsafe behaviors leading to harm or death, Montana State University Billings has created the Student Consultation Team (SCT). In order to promote the safety and wellness of the University, the SCT addresses behaviors that are disruptive or concerning and may include mental health and/or safety issues.


The SCT is a multi-disciplinary team composed of members from the Office of the Dean of Students, University Police, Student Health Services, Housing & Residential Life, Student Support Services, Academic Success Center, Athletics, and Disability, and Veterans Services.  They maintain responsibility for discussing, assessing, and responding to reports of individuals who are demonstrating disruptive or concerning behaviors.  The SCT is designed to be a centralized entity that is proactive in providing swift, coordinated, caring, and developmental intervention to member of the campus community prior to crisis.


A person of concern is any individual who demonstrates disruptive or problematic behavior, expresses personal difficulties, exhibits mental or emotional instability, or otherwise causes another member of the campus community to feel apprehension for their safety or for the safety of the person of concern.


Faculty/Staff Resources


Depending on your issue/concern, please click on the appropriate link below. Information to help students who may be: