Active Shooter Incident

An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in attempted mass murder. Victims are selected at random. The event is unpredictable and evolves quickly. Those in the vicinity must make a rapid decision based on the situation at hand. 

Knowing what to do can save lives.

During an active shooter incident, you have three options:


Trust your instincts and don’t delay. Get away as quickly as possible.

  • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
  • Help others escape, if it is safe to do so.
  • Do not attempt to move injured individuals.
  • Prevent others from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
  • Keep your hands visible so that others can see that you are not carrying a weapon.


If you can’t flee, hide somewhere that the shooter will have difficulty accessing.

  • Do not hide in restrooms.
  • Relocate if necessary.
  • Remain out of the shooter’s view.
  • Lock the door or block entry to your area.
  • Silence your cell phone (including vibrate mode) and remain quiet.
  • Be prepared to defend yourself if necessary.


If all else fails… Fight as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger.

  • If others are with you, work together as a group.
  • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter.
  • Stand near the door, not in the middle of the room.
  • Act as physically aggressive as possible.
  • Improvise weapons or throw items at the active shooter.
  • Commit to your actions. Your life depends on it.

Call 911 as soon as it is safe to do so. Information to provide to law enforcement:

  • Location of the active shooter
  • Number of shooters
  • Physical description of shooters
  • Number and type of weapons held by the shooters
  • Number of potential victims at location

How to respond when law enforcement arrives on scene:

  • Remain calm and follow instructions.
  • Drop items in your hands (e.g., bags, jackets).
  • Raise your hands and spread your fingers.
  • Keep your hands visible at all times.
  • Avoid quick movements toward officers, such as holding onto them for safety.
  • Avoid pointing, screaming, or yelling.
  • Do not ask questions when evacuating.

Important things to keep in mind:

  • The first officers to arrive on scene will not stop to help the injured. Expect rescue teams to follow initial officers. These rescue teams will treat and remove the injured.
  • Once you have reached a safe location, you likely will be held in that area by law enforcement until the situation is under control and all witnesses havebeen identified and questioned.
  • Do not leave the area until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.

Location-Specific Information:

  • If you are in a classroom, room, or office, STAY THERE. Lock the door and turn off the lights. Remain low and keep quiet. Eliminate noise, including silencing your cellphone.
  • If the door has no lock and the door opens in, a heavy door wedge can be kept on hand and driven in as hard as you can. Otherwise, look for heavy furniture to barricade the door.
  • If the door has a window, cover it if you can.
  • Consider exiting  through a window if it is safe to do so.  Assist others with exiting as calmly and quietly as possible.
  • If the windows don’t open, you cannot break them, or you are not on a ground floor, get out of sight.  
  • If you are able to exit and the police are not yet on scene, move far away from the incident. Once in a safe place, stay put. Don’t leave the area entirely. 
  • When officers arrive, follow their instructions. 
  • You may have information that responding Police Officers will need. You may be asked to stand by in a safe area while police interview witnesses.
  • Don’t hide in restrooms! If you are in the restroom and it is safe to leave, find an alternative location to hide.
  • If you are in a hallway, get in a room and secure it.
  • Unless you are very close to an exit, don’t run through a long hall to get to one. You may encounter the gunman or hostage taker(s).
  • If you are in a gym or theater area and the gunman or hostage taker(s) are not present, move toward the external exits and get out if you can.  If police are present, move towards any police officer. Keep your hands on your head and do what the police tell you to.
  • Stay alert and look for appropriate cover locations.  Brick walls, large trees, retaining walls, parked vehicles, and any other object which may stop firearm ammunition may be utilized as cover.