The University Police Department consists of a dedicated team of eight sworn police officers, one Clery Act specialist, one office assistant, a parking enforcement officer, and a number of student workers that assist with parking enforcement duties.
All University police officers receive their Public Safety Officer Standards and Training certification through the Montana Law Enforcement Academy. Receiving the Oath of Office through Billings Municipal Court, Montana State University Billings has a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Billings, granting University police officers city-wide jurisdiction. The University Police Department responds to and investigates all complaints of criminal activity that occur on and adjacent to university-owned or leased property.
In addition, the University Police Department provides workplace safety training and education, fire safety and fire code inspections, and emergency management coordination. The University Police Department is dedicated to policing with professionalism, integrity, respect, and collaboration.
Additional information related to the University Police Department, along with parking information, can be found throughout our webpage. Please do not hesitate to contact the University Police Department; officers are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.