Reporting an Emergency

  • Call 911 IMMEDIATELY 
  • After alerting 911, call University Police at (406-657-2147) to report the emergency

  • Before taking any action, be sure you are not endangering yourself. Avoid unstable structures, electrical wires, chemical vapors, chemical spills, fire, etc. Do not jeopardize your life or the lives of other in attempting to save person or university property.
  • When you call, give your name, telephone number and location, and the nature and location of the emergency. 
  • Stay on the line with the dispatcher and follow their instructions.

Acting in an Emergency

  • Remain calm and render assistance consistent with your skills and knowledge. Don’t panic.
  • Evacuate buildings immediately upon the request of authorities, upon hearing an audible alarm, or when remaining in the building becomes life-threatening. 
  • Know the location of at least two emergency exits in your working area.
  • Keep a flashlight handy if you are in an area without natural lighting.


  • Use the telephone for reasons other than emergency purposes. 
  • Enter an elevator in emergencies.
  • Attempt to force open stalled elevator doors.