Emergency Procedures
Classroom Behavior & Suspicion of Threat
There are times when students may exhibit inappropriate behavior in the classroom and requires immediate response from the faculty. Faculty members are encouraged to confront poor classroom behavior (inappropriate verbal and written statements, academic misconduct, etc.) using appropriate classroom management techniques, which may include appropriate confrontation skills such as meeting with the student, addressing behavior, and sharing possible consequences.
You may contact your Dean, department chair, or the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management to discuss concerns you may have, how to address the student, and or other appropriate actions. However, there are times when the behavior is not remedied or it is threatening in nature (bodily harm, threaten to hurt another student or faculty, hurting oneself, etc.) Faculty should use the following procedures when they feel this type of behavior occurs.
Call 911 OR call University Police at (x2222) for immediate response if it is determined that students and/or faculty are or may be in imminent danger (situation currently exists and it cannot be remedied through faculty confrontation). Wait for further instructions.
If no immediate imminent danger exists but you are concerned about overall safety, contact the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at (x2307) and/or the Chief of University Police at (x2222) or (x2147) to discuss the situation and possible outcomes.
Submit the Student Behavior Report Form, located on the Faculty/Staff portion of the MSU Billings website. Make sure the form is sent to your Dean, department chair, and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
It is important that information is shared quickly and is kept confidential until the university can determine course of action, which may include immediate contact with the student, temporary suspension with a formal hearing, or no action (monitor the situation). The university would determine appropriate notification procedures.
The university will follow appropriate Code of Student Conduct guidelines and procedures (due process) when dealing with a student as described in the Student Handbook. See: Student Handbook web page.
In these situations, it is important that the faculty remain calm and cooperative and help decrease fears and rumors. If it is determined that the student is not in violation, it will be necessary for the faculty, Dean, department chair, and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs to determine best academic arrangement to help the student remain academically successful.
It is recommended that faculty address classroom code of conduct in their syllabus. This may include an explanation of what you deem as appropriate or inappropriate behavior (i.e. – obscene gestures or remarks, yelling at faculty or students, kicking or hitting equipment, unwanted physical contact, etc.)
In order for the incident or situation to be handled in an appropriate manner, faculty and staff should know that it is extremely difficult to keep the information they provide to the Dean, University Police, or the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management confidential. In a Code of Student Conduct situation, a student has the right to see the information that is being used (i.e. – written statements and reports) as evidence. The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs will attempt to use appropriate discretion when sharing information with the student.
Information about the outcome of the process (actions taken, sanctions, appeal processes, etc.) will be shared with the individuals involved at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management and/or the Dean.