Aschaffenburg-UAS is one of Germany’s leading young universities and was founded in 1994. If offers modern programs geared towards putting the latest research into practice so as to provide students with outstanding prospects for their future careers. Aschaffenburg-UAS offers students all the advantages of a small yet modern university: a personal atmosphere, small study groups, individual mentoring by highly committed teaching staff as well as modern equipment in lecture halls and labs. UAS is a good destination for students studying business, engineering, and in some cases, communication.

The university is located in Ashcaffenburg, a small city in the northern Bavaria region, located roughly 25 miles southeast of Frankfurt. The campus with its historical buildings and green area is situated close to the town center and all facilities are within walking distance.



AschaffenburgAcademic Year

Fall/Winter Semester = Mid-October to Late February

Spring/Summer Semester = Mid-March to Late July

Intensive German Summer Course = August

Courses Offered

Faculty of Business Administration and Law

Faculty of Engineering

Learn more about the courses offered in English

Short-term Intensive German Language Summer Program

UAS offers a short-term summer program for intensive German language and cultural study. The program takes place in August. Learn about the summer language course and/or consult with the MSUB Study Abroad Coordinator.


Two student residences on and near the campus provide accommodation for 269 students. It includes individual apartments with kitchenette, shower and toilet. The rooms have a telephone, cable and internet access. Two of the apartments are suitable for wheelchairs.

Exchanges students are offered a household box containing bedding (pillow and blanket), the most essential kitchen equipment as well as cleaning utensils. The household package, which is primarily intended for those students living in the student residence, can be purchased on application and for a small fee.

Get more accommodation details.


MSUB students studying abroad at Aschaffenburg UAS pay MSUB tuition. Students are expected to pay for their room and board in Germany upon arrival to UAS. Accommodation prices range from €277 (±$339)to €378 (±$462) per month.

The average German student in Aschaffenburg needs about 800€ per month (±$890), which includes rent.

 AschaffenburgAverage living costs in Aschaffenburg

Food 179€    ±$200
Clothes, Laundry, Personal Hygiene         73€ ±$81
Public Transportation 44€ ±$49
Health Insurance, Medical 81€ ±$90
Leisure, Extracurricular Activities 81€ ±$90
Phone, Internet, etc. 46€ ±$51




American students may enter Germany to study short-term without a visa. If you stay in the country for more than three months, you must apply in Germany for the Residence Permit at the International Registration Authority (Auslaenderbehoerde) in the town hall. The cost for the residence permit is 100€ (±112). The university will support you in taking care of the Residence Permit

Health Insurance

To ensure comprehensive and quality coverage, all study abroad students are required to enroll in insurance that is provided through the designated Montana University System insurance provider. Please consult with the Study Abroad Coordinator for further information. This insurance is affordable with a typical semester averaging about $250. Moreover, students studying for one semester or longer are required to purchase statutory health insurance administered by AOK, a German health insurance company. The cost for this additional insurance is about 107€/month ($120/mn).