Honors FAQs

What is the University Honors Program?
The UHP exists to foster excellence by challenging students to take full advantage of their intellectual and personal talents. It offers classes emphasizing problem-solving, self-expression, and creativity and provides opportunities to gain research or professional experience as part of the Honors curriculum. As a community, the UHP is committed to civic engagement and to engaging its students as knowledge creators and discoverers. It is also dedicated to enjoying each other’s company.
How do I join?
It is easy. Just hit the application tab and fill in the required data sheet and provide the required supporting material.
What are the benefits of joining the UHP?
There are many.
- Small Classes
Most Honors classes are seminars with 15 or fewer students in them. - Stimulating Teachers
Honors instructors are chosen for their teaching skills as well as their expertise in a subject. - Research, Internship and Project Opportunities
We work with UHP students to provide such opportunities through all four years of the program. - Special Advising and Mentor Relationships
Students have an advisor in the UHP as well as in their departments. - Scholarships and Support
The UHP provides approximately 15 scholarships per year and assists students in their application for other scholarships and fellowship, including prestigious national undergraduate and graduate school ones. - Academic Community
The UHP provides a community in which intellectual accomplishment and personal aspiration are encouraged, supported, and valued. Among the results is the network of friendships among its members.
Will taking Honors classes require more work?
Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Rather than the quantity of work, honors courses stress the quality of work and the quality of thinking required to develop the student’s intellectual and creative abilities.
Will being in the UHP make it harder to maintain a high GPA?
No. Professors design Honors courses so as to encourage students to do their best work and grade that work accordingly.
Will being in the UHP add to my course load?
Not typically. Students typically gain credit toward their general education requirements, toward their major, and free elective credit for their honors courses.
What are the requirements for an Honors degree?
Twenty-one credits of Honors courses are required to become a University Honors Scholar.
May I take Honors courses without the joining the UHP?
Yes, although doing so may require permission from the professor or UHP director.
Do Honors courses require any extra fees?
Absolutely not. The UHP is committed to adding academic enrichment without adding costs.
Can I earn Honors credit for my previously taken classes?
It depends. Yes, if the classes were college Honors courses either at MSUB or another ege. No, if the classes were high school AP or Honors courses.