Having trouble logging into D2L?  Select from the topics below to learn more.


Logging into D2L


  1. From the MSU-Billings Homepage (https://www.msubillings.edu), click D2L in the upper-right.
  2. Logging into D2L

  3. On the D2L page, enter your Net ID and password in the login area shown below and then click Login.login area



FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? Click Need help logging in? link and follow the steps carefully.




Additional Resources 



Help Icon Further Assistance


For all D2L issues between 8am - 8pm,

please call the eLearning Office Help Desk. 



After hours, please call the 24/7 Help Desk @





For all other MSUB-supported technologies,  our IT and eLearning help desk folks can help you with most university technology resources, and even provides free diagnostics for student computers.



IT Icons


IT Faculty Resources: 
