College Overview
The College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences offers academic programs leading to Associate, Baccalaureate and Masters degrees, in the liberal arts and social sciences and is the primary provider of General Education courses at MSU Billings. The liberal arts and social sciences are the core of a complete college education, stimulating our spirit, deepening our understanding, and broadening our horizons. They cultivate clear and imaginative thinking, effective communication, critical evaluation of ideas, and effective adaptation of knowledge. The student who experiences the liberal arts and social sciences becomes informed, inquiring, critical, and concerned, while building strong foundations for future career opportunities.
The mission of the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences is to serve the educational needs of the people of Montana through academic programs leading to Associate and Baccalaureate degrees, in the liberal arts and social sciences; selected graduate programs leading to a Master’s Degree; General Education program providing a foundation of liberal education to all students at MSU Billings; selected pre-professional programs and various graduate, continuing education and non-conventional learning opportunities consistent with the mission of the University. Through these learning experiences, the College seeks to provide knowledge and cultivate skills to allow a student to select realistic future directions for study and/or employment. With its inherent diversity, the College serves as an intellectual and cultural resource for all students, faculty, and staff of the University, and for the larger community and region which it serves.
Academic Departments and Programs
The College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences is comprised of eleven academic units. Faculty in each unit have distinguished themselves as outstanding teachers and researchers, capable of putting their students in touch with the cutting edge of their fields. Graduates in the Sciences and in Psychology have been accepted to top medical (e.g., Penn State, University of Minnesota, University of Washington), other professional schools, and major graduate programs (e.g., Ph.D. program in Physics, University of Notre Dame, Biology in University of Utah) in the past several years. Graduates of our Environmental Studies program have already made an impact in the region. Our Art and Music graduates likewise have excelled.