Where can I view my bill?

  • Students: need to log into their MyInfo account with their ID and password, and select Electronic Billing and Payment. Choose the appropriate term, at the bottom of the Web Bill click on the QuikPay link. Once logged into QuikPay students may then establish an Authorized Payer account to allow a third party (i.e. parent) to make online payments on their behalf.
  • Parents and Authorized Payers: Students must first set up parents as Authorized Payers in the QuikPay system before they are able to access the system.  If your student has set you up as an Authorized Payer, then you can access your account through Billings Student Accounts Authorized Payer Login

Tuition and Fee Information

Payment Plans

International Students & Form 1042-S

Student Health Insurance

Other Resources


Questions? Email businessoffice@msubillings.edu