Taking time to prepare is the most conscientious thing you can do before an interview, not just for yourself, but for the interviewer as well.  In this section, we'll discuss tips for putting your best foot forward with the etiquette managers expect.  We'll also discuss the basics of interview hygiene.

Interview Etiquette

There are a whole host of things you can do to make any employer recognize your potential from the moment the interview begins.  Check out these etiquette tips and practice modeling these traits before the interview to help prepare you for the big event!


Arriving late can increase your own stress and anxiety and give the employer a bad first impression, so do your best to arrive before or on time.

Be polite and professional with any staff you happen to meet before the interview, and if you are feeling especially nervous remind yourself that the worst thing that can happen is not getting the job.

Tip: During the interview respond to questions with positive statements, be enthusiastic about the job and avoid making negative statements about yourself or your previous employer.

Pay attention to your body language. How you use your body to comminute can say a lot. Once you’re seated, sit naturally without slouching or leaning against the table. Throughout the interview, remember to smile frequently and maintain eye contact.

Tip: Be attentive, look interested, and pay attention.

Answer questions as clearly and concisely as you can, remembering to state your most relevant skills, experience and achievements. 

Tip 1:  Remember that it is acceptable to pause before answering a difficult question! Allowing yourself time to think, or asking for clarification if you’re unsure what the interviewer is asking can help you answer the question without sound unsure or rambling.

Tip 2:  Do a little research on the company and position beforehand. This can help immensely with answering questions during the interview.

Appearance & Hygiene

Your appearance is the very first impression you’re going to make on an employer, so you’ll want it to be a good one.  Follow these tips to make sure you are putting your best foot forward.

    • Don’t wait until the last minute to get ready.
    • No matter the type of job you are applying for it is important to be neat, tidy, and well groomed.
    • Many communities have nonprofit organizations that can help you find just the right thing to wear to your interview.  For instance, in Billings, Dress for Success is a free clothing boutique whose volunteers will work with you to find the perfect outfit so you can go into your interview confident.  Check to see if your local community has a similar program.

Once you feel you are prepared physically for the interview, you'll need to prepare mentally by understanding the types of questions you'll likely be asked and learning the best strategies to answer them like a pro.

What To Do (And Not To Do): A Video Example

Watch two of our participants demonstrate some major interview errors, and model best practices that will be sure to impress any potential employer.

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