The Office of TRIO Programs was established at MSUB in 2024 to bring together all of the MSUB TRIO grants. These grants, awarded by the Department of Education, provide support to participants wishing to enroll in a post-secondary educational institution or students that are attending MSUB. While each program has different eligibility criteria, our office supports participants age 12 through adulthood, by providing free services designed to increase post-secondary enrollment and graduation rates. Services include academic tutoring, academic advising, mentoring, financial literacy and FAFSA completion guidance, post-secondary application assistance, and standardized test preparation.


Five federal TRIO grants are housed in the Office of TRIO Programs, including TRIO Upward Bound, TRIO Talent Search, TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers, and two TRIO Student Support Services grants (one at University Campus and one at City College). The programs provided through the Office of TRIO Programs are funded 100% by federal grants disbursed by the Department of Education, as such the services are provided at no-cost to the participants. All TRIO grants primarily serve first-generation and limited income individuals.


Learn About Each Program


TRIO Talent Search is a freeprogram that helps students prepare for their future after high school. The program serves eligible students in 6th-12th grade prepare for and attend a college of their choice, including students who wish to attend 1-year certificate programs, 2-year associate programs, and 4-year bachelor’s programs.


TRIO Talent Search serves students who are attending 12 area middle schools and 7 area high schools. To view the full list of schools, visit the Talent Search eligibility page.


Talent Search offers a wide variety of services for qualified students. These include, but are not limited to, tutoring, test prep, academic advising, career guidance, college tours, college preparation, financial coaching for college, and parental guidance.  

Visit the TRIO Talent Search page for more information. 


TRIO Upward Bound is a free program that helps high school students prepare for their future after high school through meeting with an Outreach Advisor and attending a Summer Institute. Our goal is to give every participant an opportunity to further their education after high school and earn a 2- or 4-year college degree.


TRIO Upward Bound serves 75 students from five area high schools: Senior HS, Skyview HS, West HS, Hardin HS, and Lockwood HS. Students must have completed 8th grade and meet first-generation or limited-income criteria.


Upward Bound offers a wide variety of services for qualified students. These include, academic, career, and college guidance. The biggest difference between Upward Bound and Talent Search is the intensive summer program available through Upward Bound.

Visit the TRIO Upward Bound page for more information.


TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) is a free program that is unique among the TRIO programs. Rather than just serving individuals who are currently attending a school, EOC is able to help individuals both in-school and in the community. EOC's mission is to help 850 individuals pursue higher education each year. 


To be a participant of EOC you must reside in or be attending college in one of the 19 Montana counties and two tribal nations that EOC serves. Visit the TRIO EOC eligibility page for a map of the service area. Participants must be 16-years-old or older and may not be attending a school that has a Talent Search program. 


EOC staff are experts on financial aid, whether you are currently working on a degree or have not yet started your college journey. EOC also offers assistance applying to colleges throughout the nation, finding the right career path, applying for scholarships, improving your financial situation, and much more. 

Visit the TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers page for more information.


TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) provides holistic and student-centered services, resources, and educational opportunities that support and improve graduation rates for eligible students.


To be a participant of SSS at the University Campus you must be enrolled and working toward a 4-year degree from MSUB. To be a participant of SSS at the CIty College you must be enrolled and working toward a certificate or associate degree. Additionally, all participants must meet at least one of the following three criteria: first-generation, limited income, and/or have a documented disability. To understand more about these criteria, visit the TRIO SSS eligibility page.


TRIO SSS aims to offer a "one-stop shop" of services to program participants at the MSUB University campus and City College campus. Some of the most notable services that SSS offers are mentoring, tutoring, financial aid assistance, a lending library that includes laptops and textbooks, and more.

Visit the TRIO Student Support Services page for more information.