Parent and Family Supporters Welcome to Attend Orientation!

a student with her mother and Buzz

Join us for our special Parent and Supporter Orientation program, running concurrently with your student's Orientation session. This program is designed to introduce you to MSU Billings and its offerings, including programs, facilities, and student support services. It's a great opportunity to discover all that MSU Billings can provide for your new Yellowjacket!

Our program features:

  • Various sessions with University leadership and faculty members
  • A session with the Dean of Students
  • Sessions detailing resources available for your student's success
  • A Parent/Supporter breakfast connecting you with other parents and MSU Billings administrators and college Deans

To attend the Parent and Supporter Orientation, simply register online for Orientation along with your student. There is a non-refundable $25 Program Fee (per guest) associated with this orientation. This fee covers programming and meals! If your student has already registered and you wish to add on the Parent and Supporter Orientation, please contact the Orientation Office at and include your student's full name.

Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate parents, supporters, or family members as overnight guests in the Residence Halls during the Fall Orientation program in August. Family members are encouraged to explore local lodging options and contact the Orientation Office with any questions or concerns. For information on hotels in Billings go

Join the MSUB Family Connection

The Dean of Students strives to stay in contact with you throughout the year.  Our website contains a wealth of information, including the Parent Pages (a great source of information about a variety of topics related to your student’s development and experience).  As the parent or family member of a MSUB student, you are automatically a member of the MSUB Family Connection. Simply activate your membership by registering your e-mail address so that we can stay connected to you. You will receive our monthly electronic newsletter, information about upcoming events and campus news. 

Have Questions? We are here to help! 

If you have any questions, please feel comfortable to reach out to the New Student Services team! Our staff is available Monday - Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm (MT).
Call: 406-657-2888
Text: 406-412-1349

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