Jonny Bearcub Stiffarm

Visting Scholar Week: October 20th-25th

Jonny BearCub Stiffarm, an enrolled member of the Fort Peck Assiniboine & Sioux Nation, came out of semi-retirement in 2015 to join the World Wildlife Fund as a Buffalo Program Administrator. Initially serving as a contractor for three years, she now volunteers with the Fort Peck Tribes Fish & Wildlife Department and the Pte’ Group. In this role, she translates their ideas, guidance, and experiences into policies, infrastructure, and educational initiatives, all aimed at ensuring a sustainable bison herd for future generations.

Her distinguished career spans both public service and private industry. She served as a Fort Peck Tribal Council member, an appointee of Mayor Webb as Deputy Director of Contract Compliance for the City and County of Denver and held the position of Chief Judge of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. In private industry, she worked as Director of Business Development for Native, Inc., where she is also one of five owners.

Jonny holds a Juris Doctorate from the University of Minnesota School of Law and a Bachelor of Science from Brigham Young University. 


Sunday, October 20th

  • Travel day to MSU Billings

Monday, October 21st 

  • 10:00AM- NAAC Office Hours
  • 11:30AM- Walk to the Cafeteria for Lunch
  • 1PM- NAAC Office Hours
  • 3PM- Faculty Presentation
  • 6:00PM Dinner with All Nations, AI Dorm Students & AIBL Club

Tuesday, October 22nd

  • 11:00AM NAAC Office Hours
  • 11:30- Walk to the Cafeteria for Lunch
  • Break
  • 2:00PM- NAAC Office Hours
  • 3:00-4:00PM Moderated Discussions based on Elders expertise

Wednesday, October 23rd   

  • 11:00AM NAAC Office Hours
  • 11:30- Walk to the Cafeteria for Lunch
  • Break
  • 2:00-4:00PM- NAAC Office Hours
  • 6pm Dinner with All Nations, AI Dorm Students, & AIBL Club

Thursday, October 24th

  • 10:00-11:00AM- City College, NAAC Office Hours
  • 11:30- City College luncheon
  • Break
  • 2pm-4pm NAAC Office Hours

Friday, October 25th

  • 10am-11am Feedback discussion (everyone is welcome to attend).
  • 11am-1pm Lunch at NAAC, Gift thank you gifts (everyone is welcome to attend).
  • 1pm Travel