
This operating procedure defines the computer replacement schedule and the employees it applies to. A computer replacement schedule is a plan that specifies when and how often computers should be replaced based on factors such as performance, reliability, security, and cost. A computer replacement schedule helps to ensure that the university's computers are productive for students and employees while being secure and managable by the Information Technology (IT) Department. A defined schedule also allows for predictable budgeting.


Staff and Faculty Computers

The IT Department provides one computer and up to two monitors purchased by IT to each 1.0 full time staff and faculty. This computer will be replaced every five years and will be a model from the current year's Standard Issued Equipment page.

To support part time staff and faculty, a computer will be placed in an open location for employees to share access. Equipment needs for part time employees can be discussed with the IT department on a case by case basis as an individual computer will not be assigned. These computers will be replaced at the discretion of the IT department.


Student Computer Labs and Classrooms

The IT Department provides computers for student computer labs and classrooms. These computers will be replaced every five years as funding allows. 


Computer Equipment Procurement

All computer equipment shall be purchased through the IT Department per the IT Procurement Approval Form policy. Bulk computer purchases are typically made in the summer to reduce costs and provide a predictable replacement timeframe.