MSU Billings Information Technology Policies

The Enterprise IT Policy Project overhauled the Information Technology policies of all four campuses, creating a single enterprise-wide set of IT policies. Team members worked on this project to remove or revise outdated policies, consolidate or streamline current policies, adapt the policies to an enterprise format, and develop new policy language as needed. Campuses may develop and maintain separate campus-specific procedures to implement the policies as needed.

Montana Board of Regents Policies and Procedures Manual: Information Technology
ITEM 114-104-R0102

No. 1 Privacy, Security and Monitoring
No. 2A User Responsibilities (applies to MUS employees)
No. 2B User Responsibilities (applies to MUS Students)
No. 2C User Responsibilities (applies to MUS Patrons)
No. 3 Logging On and Off Computer Resources Number
No. 4A Internet Services (applies to MUS employees)
No. 4B Internet Services (applies to MUS students)
No. 5A Electronic Mail (applies to MUS employees)
No. 5B Electronic Mail (applies to MUS students)
No. 6 Internet Reporting

State of Montana Information Technology Policies

Covers Internet, network, personal computers, remote and public access, security, and telecommunications.

State IT Policies