Julia Torna
Artist Statement
The kind of work I do is physical labor and repetitive which leaves my mind lots of time to be swarmed by many muses, worries, and thoughts about life and the “to do” lists. My mind is always exploding. As I try to balance work, college, family, and my mental health I’m often clumsy in the process because there is too much to keep track of. Whether it’s stacking boxes into trailers, cleaning, or even laying in my bed at night, my mind is a constant screen of imagery and I wonder how I fit in everything I do in a day or how I will do the same the next day. I slap a smile on my face and try to have a good attitude, but sometimes I am a sensitive and troubled soul underneath it and I feel that my balance could topple down at any moment.
Sales Inquiries: Chinchillagirl65@gmail.com /// instagram: theartisticlibrarian