Natalie BohlmannNatalie Bohlmann, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Educational Theory and Practice, COE

When students begin taking their core requirement classes in the College of Education, many will rely on Dr. Natalie Bohlmann to set them up for success in the education program. As she teaches foundational courses in the department, Bohlmann recognizes the importance of having a strong educational base as well as the impact her classes will have on future educators.

In her 13 years of instructing at MSU Billings, Bohlmann has been recognized by her colleagues and students for her organization, endless energy, approachability, and dedication to students and her department. Although her classes are rigorous, students leave with a plethora of knowledge to aid them in future courses.

“She is clear in presentation but also builds strong rapport with her students,” says a colleague. “They clearly respect and like her and strive to meet the high expectations set forth by her.”

Bohlmann chairs and leads four committees in the Educational Theory and Practice Department and is a member of several others in COE. Her service extends beyond leading committees to include serving on university committees such as the Faculty Administration Collaborative Committee and Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. She also serves as an executive member of the Community Club Board for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Yellowstone County.

Bohlmann also excels as a researcher; she has published numerous journal articles including recent publications in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Child Development, and Early Childhood Research Quarterly and regularly presents her research at national conferences. She has also co-authored a textbook which she uses in her curriculum.

“She is highly regarded and seen as a leader in our college and tirelessly gives her time and energy to the greater good of the department,” notes a colleague. “She puts the interests of others before hers and is always available to lend support where needed.”

It is evident that Bohlmann is more than deserving of a Faculty Excellence Award, as she continues to exert her time and efforts to the improvement of campus, students, and the community.