Section 1.1 - Instructor Self-Introduction

An introduction of the instructor to the learners should be present in a permanent fashion for students online.
The introduction should include no less than the instructor’s name, contact information, and office hours, but more is always encouraged.

Rationale: Introductions give a sense of connection between the instructor and the learners, especially in the online format where they might otherwise feel a loss of connection.

Recommendation: While it is possible to include this introduction in a course syllabus, putting it outside of the syllabus is encouraged, since doing so allows for more-immediate engagement, as it does in fully face-to-face courses.

Additional Items to Include:

  1. A graphic representation, picture, audio message, or video (including alternative formats to ensure accessibility).
  2. Comments on personal teaching philosophy.
  3. Other personal information.


Section 1.2 - Transparent Instructions

Instructions are presented in both online and face-to-face sections which make it clear to learners that the course is a blended course, with both online and face-to-face components and activities.
Instructions specify the relationship between, and the requirements for, both sections of the course, including methods of communication, necessary skills for success, and technology requirements.
Information on how to obtain the necessary technologies is provided.

Rationale: Transparent instructions help guide learners to the information they need before they run into complications, and are there if troubles do arise later. Transparency in Learning (TIL) has been shown to improve retention rates and improve both student achievement and satisfaction [SOURCE].

Required Technology: The hardware and software necessary to complete all course activities are clearly listed. Learners are provided guidance about which course activities may be completed with different types of hardware and software.


  1. Hardware is any physical device, which includes webcams, microphones, laptops, etc.
    1. If specific hardware is needed for course completion, instructions are provided on how to obtain it, and why it is needed.
  2. Software is a program, app, plug-in, or other items that run on hardware.
    1. Some hardware requires specific software to function with other hardware.
    2. Any software chosen for the course should be easily obtainable via download and available on a variety of platforms (Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, etc.) whenever possible. If software is available on only one platform, students are notified about the specific limitations and required use.
      1. Provide links to all downloadable resources (e.g. “Go to to download the latest version of Microsoft Office.”)
    3. Free software is always preferred, but if there is a cost, it should be noted to students upfront.

Examples of necessary technical skills:

  1. Downloading and installing software.
  2. Using web conferencing tools and software.
  3. Using online libraries and databases.



Section 1.3 - Universal Design

The course design reflects a commitment to accessibility and usability for all learners.
The course provides accessible text and images in files, documents, LMS pages, and web pages.
The course provides alternative means of access to multimedia content.

Rationale: Providing access to materials for diverse types of students is required by law. Designing with all types of learners in mind helps to avoid stressful or painful moments that come when instructors suddenly need to make a course more accessible.

Universal Design: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) refers to the practice of creating with all potential users in mind. A favored example is closed captions, which help not only those who cannot hear, but also those with lesser hearing impairments, those in noisy environments, those trying to watch a show as quietly as possible, language learners, and many others. While it can be difficult to imagine every scenario when designing content or an experience, it is nevertheless a worthwhile endeavor.


Common Terms and Techniques:

  1. Course navigation should facilitate ease of use. While most of this is taken care of by the LMS (in MSUB’s case, D2L), consistency in module setup, handouts, and other items is important.
  2. Links should always show either the full URL or the hyperlinked text should include a description of what’s being clicked on
    1. Full URL:
    2. Descriptive Hyperlink: Check out the eLearning Faculty page.
      1. Never hyperlink text like CLICK HERE.
    3. Non-decorative images should include alternative text or tags (usually abbreviated as “alt-text” or “alt-tags”). An image is non-decorative if it communicates anything that a student needs to/should see in order to complete their work. A clipart of a flower is usually decorative. Monet’s “Water Lilies” usually isn’t.
    4. Videos must be captioned, either using software with a high degree of accuracy (e.g. Microsoft Stream), or manually.
      1. A text transcript is often a helpful tool to accompany any video, but text transcripts are NOT a replacement for captioning.
      2. While captioning is helpful, the audio quality of the video is just as important. This includes making certain the video is at a reasonable volume, that all speakers can be heard at that volume, and that any speech is free from unnecessary distortion or background noise.
    5. Videos longer than 15 minutes should be split into multiple videos when possible. If it is not possible, videos should be made searchable (with sections, caption searches, etc.).
    6. Audio-only items should follow the same guidelines as video audio quality from 4.b above.