Course Overview and Introduction


The overall design of the course, navigational information, as well as course, instructor, and student information are made clear to the student at the beginning of the course.

  • Navigational instructions make the organization of the course easy to understand.

  • Statement introduces course, technology, instructor, and student expectations at the beginning of the course.

Learning Outcomes


Learning outcomes are clearly defined and explained. They help the student focus on learning activities.

  • Course learning outcomes are clearly defined and measurable.

  • Module/unit outcomes are consistent with course-level outcomes and are measurable.



Assessment strategies use established ways to measure effective learning, are aligned to the learning outcomes, and are designed as essential to the learning process.

  • Assessment strategies use established ways to measure effective learning, are aligned to the learning outcomes, Grading policies are clearly stated.

  • Specific and descriptive criteria are provided for the evaluation of students’ work and participation.

Course Rigor


All courses, regardless of mode of delivery, require the same level of rigor, appropriate to the academic discipline and the level of the course.


Resources and Materials


Instructional materials are sufficiently comprehensive to achieve course outcomes and learning outcomes.

  • Instructional materials support the stated learning outcomes.

  • Instructional materials have sufficient breadth, depth, and currency for the student to learn the subject.

Learner Interaction


The effective design of instructor-student interaction, meaningful student cooperation, and student-content interaction is essential to student motivation, intellectual commitment, and personal development.

  • The learning activities promote the achievement of stated learning outcomes

  • Learning activities foster instructor-student, content-student, and if appropriate to this course, student-student interaction

  • Clear standards are set for instructor response and availability (turn-around time for email, grade posting, etc.)

Course Technology


Technology used in the course should enrich instruction and foster learner interactivity.

  • The tools and media support the learning outcomes, and are appropriately chosen to deliver the content of the course.

  • The technology choices used in the course should include various modes of interaction to facilitate instructor presence and to accommodate various learning preferences.



The course materials, interactions, and policies are designed to accommodate all students.

  • The course implements strategies that make materials available to diverse learners.