• #1 online courses

    MSU Billings offers more online courses than any other instituition in Montana.

  • 12k

    Alumni living, working and making a difference in Yellowstone County.

  • 9

    Completely online degrees

  • 3

    The number of faculty members who have received patents in the science department.

  • 6k

    Volunteer hours by MSU Billings Students during 2014.

  • 87%

    Percentage of students who graduate from MSUB and choose to work in Montana.

  • 338

    MSUB has more NCAA Student Athletes than any other institution in Montana.

  • #1 online courses

    MSU Billings offers more online courses than any other instituition in Montana.

  • 12k

    Alumni living, working and making a difference in Yellowstone County.

  • 9

    Completely online degrees

  • 3

    The number of faculty members who have received patents in the science department.

  • 6k

    Volunteer hours by MSU Billings Students during 2014.

  • 87%

    Percentage of students who graduate from MSUB and choose to work in Montana.

  • 338

    MSUB has more NCAA Student Athletes than any other institution in Montana.

  • #1 online courses

    MSU Billings offers more online courses than any other instituition in Montana.

  • 12k

    Alumni living, working and making a difference in Yellowstone County.

  • 9

    Completely online degrees

  • 3

    The number of faculty members who have received patents in the science department.

  • 6k

    Volunteer hours by MSU Billings Students during 2014.

  • 87%

    Percentage of students who graduate from MSUB and choose to work in Montana.

  • 338

    MSUB has more NCAA Student Athletes than any other institution in Montana.

  • #1 online courses

    MSU Billings offers more online courses than any other instituition in Montana.

  • 12k

    Alumni living, working and making a difference in Yellowstone County.

  • 9

    Completely online degrees

  • 3

    The number of faculty members who have received patents in the science department.

  • 6k

    Volunteer hours by MSU Billings Students during 2014.

  • 87%

    Percentage of students who graduate from MSUB and choose to work in Montana.

  • 338

    MSUB has more NCAA Student Athletes than any other institution in Montana.