As you start looking for a new job, take stock of your skills and qualifications to put your best foot forward.  Its important to consider your experiences and talents, not just so you can develop a top-notch resume, but so that you can have the confidence needed to sell yourself.

Fill Out A Self-Questionaire

Asking yourself the right questions can go a long way to helping you articulate your strengths as an employee.  There are lots of different questions that can help you assess the characteristics you possess that will be valuable to hiring managers.  Consider some of the following questions:

  • Am I a decisive person? 
  • When was a time I proved this to myself? 
  • Am I a trustworthy person? 
  • When have I proved this to myself? 
  • What are my top three greatest strengths?
  • How can these strengths help with a possible job?
  • How do I define accountability?
  • When are three times I held myself accountable? 
  • What are my best skills? 
  • How can these skills help me with a possible job? 
  • When are two times these skills have helped me solve problems?

Although you can work through these questions in your head, the best strategy to really dig into this would be to download the full self-questionaire PDF, print it, and write out your answers.  You can then use this sheet when you are preparing your resume or practicing for an interview.