October 27, 2014



Department of Music, 657-2350
University Relations, 657-2269


Montana State University Billings music education major Richard Feeley presents his senior recital on Nov. 5 in the Cisel Recital Hall at the university campus, 1500 University Dr.


MSU BILLINGS NEWS SERVICES —  Richard Feeley, a Montana State University Billings music education major, will perform his senior bass recital on Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in Cisel Hall. The event is free and open to the public.


Richard Feeley

Feeley is a graduate of Columbus High School and the son of Martin and Mary Feeley. He has had an active musical career, performing across the Western United States and Canada, playing styles including jazz, rock and folk.  Before enrolling at MSU Billings, he attended Selkirk College in British Columbia and majored in bass performance.  In addition to his performance experience, Feeley has also worked in music production and radio. 


Feeley student teaches under Steve Patton at Billings West High School and is excited to become an educator so he can “share his love of music with others.” 


Mark Fenderson, John Roberts, Matt Devitt, Ethan Gray and Raphael Lopez will join Feeley on stage during his recital. Feeley’s performance will feature music by Chick Corea, Miles Davis and Jose Feliciano.


For more information on this recital or other programs, contact the Department of Music at 657-2350 or visit the music department online at msubillings.edu/cas/music/.


PHOTO ABOVE: Richard Feeley