Career Goal:Become an attorney.
Past Tennis Success:1st in AA Divisionals. 3-time All-City selection.
High school Team MVP three straight years. Favorite Tennis Player:Venus Williams Because: She has taken the game to a whole new
level. She is a power player like no one else. Favorite Yellowjacket Tennis
Player:Rachel Hertz Because: She works hard at every practice and always pushes
herself. She is also a good leader.
Favorite Class at MSU Billings:Intro
to Sociology Favorite Professor:Linda Silber
Last Movie I Saw:Crossroads Last Book I Read:The Talisman by Stephen King Descriptions about me that I would like people to
hear: I am very competitive. I am also somewhat of a
perfectionist and like to excel in everything I do.
Four Goals I would like to Achieve in my Life: 1. Graduate from law school.
2. Have a family.
3. Travel to Europe.
4. Become successful in my career.