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Level  2

Level 1

DESCRIPTION Does it Allow Data Entry? STATUS A=Active
584000 Federal Indirect Cost Recovery Y A
53610 Indirect Cost Recoveries Y A
593665 Voc Ed Base Grant to State Y A
54100 Federal Funds - Carl Perkins Y A
594603 HEW Office of Education Y A
53841 Federal Capital Contribution Y A
53842 Federal CWS Administrative Fee Y A
53843 Federal Interest Cancelled Y A
53844 Federal Perkins Reimbursements Y A
53845 Financial Aid Administration Y A
53864 PELL Administrative Fee Y A
53877 SEOG Administrative Fee Y A
54110 Financial Aid Administration-Fed Y A
594609 HEW Office of Secretary Y A
54115 G&C-HEW-Ofc of Secretary-Fed Y A
594618 HEW Public Health Service II Y A
54118 G&C-HEW Public Health Service II Y A
594621 Department of Agriculture Y A
54124 ES-Miscellaneous-Federal Y A
594624 Department of Commerce Y A
54130 Department of Commerce Y A
594627 Department of Defense Y A
54135 G&C-Department of Defense-Fed Y A
594633 Department of Interior Y A
54140 G&C-Department of Interior-Federal Y A
594660 Nat'l Fndtn on Arts & Humanities Y A
54160 G&C-Nat'l Fndn on Arts & Humanities Y A
594663 National Science Foundation Y A
54165 National Science Foundation Y A
594670 Environmental Protection Agency Y A
54161 Environmental Protection Agency Y A
54170 G&C-Env Pro Agency-Fed Y A
594671 Environmental Protection Agency Y I
594690 Miscellaneous Federal Assistance Y A
53887 VA Administrative Fee Y A
54175 Miscellaneous Federal Assistance Y A